Butterflies in Uruguay
Uruguay is home to several butterflies like the Polydamas Swallowtail, the Aega Morpho, and the Broad-banded Swallowtail.
List of Different Butterfly Species of Uruguay
Brush-Footed (Nymphalidae)
- Aega Morpho (Morpho aega)
- Banded Longwing (Dryadula phaetusa)
- Brazilian Painted Lady (Vanessa braziliensis)
- Claudina Crescent (Tegosa claudina)
- Gray Cracker (Hamadryas februa)
- Ithra Crescent Butterfly (Ortilia ithra)
- Juno (Dione juno)
- Queen Butterfly (Danaus gilippus)
- Red Cracker (Hamadryas amphinome)
- Ruddy Daggerwing (Marpesia petreus)
- Syma Sister (Adelpha syma)
- Tropical Buckeye (Junonia evarete)
- Turquoise Emperor (Doxocopa laurentia)
- Vivid Painted Lady (Vanessa myrinna)
- White-spotted Prepona (Archaeoprepona amphimachus)
Gossamer-Winged (Lycaenidae)
- Gold-bordered Hairstreak (Rekoa palegon)
- Hanno Blue (Hemiargus hanno)
- Lantana Scrub-hairstreak (Strymon bazochii)
Whites and Sulphurs (Pieridae)
- Apricot Sulphur (Phoebis argante)
- Tailed Sulphur (Phoebis neocypris)
Metalmark (Riodinidae)
- Calephelis braziliensis
- Chalodeta theodora
- Euselasia hygenius occulta
- Stichelia bochorissuavis
Swallowtail (Papilionidae)
- Agavus Cattleheart (Parides agavus)
- Broad-banded Swallowtail (Heraclides astyalus)
- Polydamas Swallowtail (Battus polydamas)
Skipper (Hesperiidae)
- Broad Banded-skipper (Autochton neis)
- Falcate Skipper (Spathilepia clonius)
- Fiery Skipper (Hylephila phyleus)
- Glassy-winged Skipper (Xenophanes tryxus)
- Mys Skipper (Zariaspes mys)
- Plain Longtail (Urbanus simplicius)
- Sharp Banded-skipper (Autochton zarex)
- Teleus Longtail (Urbanus teleus)
- Variegated Skipper (Gorgythion begga)
- Veined White Skipper (Heliopetes arsalte)
While there aren’t any designated locations to go butterfly watching in Uruguay, they can often be spotted in local parks and gardens.