Butterflies in Antigua and Barbuda
The island nation of Antigua and Barbuda is home to several species of butterflies. The tropical climate and lush vegetation – which includes many species of flowering plants – mean many butterflies can be seen hovering about, especially when it’s warm and sunny.
List of Different Butterfly Species of Antigua and Barbuda
Brush-Footed (Nymphalidae)
- Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
- Agraulis vanillae insularis
- Anartia jatrophae jamaicensis
- Anartia amathea amathea
- Heliconius charithonia antiquus
- Junonia genoveva michaelisi
Gossamer-Winged (Lycaenidae)
- Cyclargus woodruffi
- Leptotes cassius cassioides
- Strymon bubastus ponce
- Strymon columella
Whites and Sulphurs (Pieridae)
- False Barred Sulphur (Eurema elathea)
- Little Sulphur (Pyrisitia lisa euterpe)
- Ascia monuste virginia
- Phoebis sennae sennae
Skipper (Hesperiidae)
- Tropical Checkered Skipper (Burnsius oileus)
- Ephyriades arcas arcas
- Hylephila phylea phylea
- Panoquina lucas lucas
Enthusiasts can visit places like Falmouth Harbour, the Antigua and Barbuda Botanical Gardens in Saint John’s, and Galleon Beach to see butterflies during the warm seasons.