Butterflies in Nicaragua
Nicaragua is home to a handful of butterflies, including the Malachite, the Banded Peacock, and the Orange Admiral.
List of Different Butterfly Species of Nicaragua
Brush-Footed (Nymphalidae)
- Banded Peacock (Anartia fatima)
- Blomfield’s Beauty (Smyrna blomfildia)
- Guatemalan Cracker (Hamadryas guatemalena)
- Mestra dorcas amymone
- Malachite (Siproeta stelenes)
- Orange Admiral (Hypanartia lethe)
- Orange-spotted Tiger Clearwing (Mechanitis polymnia)
- Pale Cracker (Hamadryas glauconome)
- Queen Butterfly (Danaus gilippus)
- Adelpha iphicleola
- Altinote ozomene
- Caligo telamonius
- Chlosyne hippodrome
- Dircenna klugii
Metalmark (Riodinidae)
- Mesosemia asa
Skipper (Hesperiidae)
- Dorantes Longtail (Urbanus dorantes)
The best place to see butterflies in Nicaragua is the Butterfly Reserve.