Butterflies in Thailand
Over a 1000 butterflies live in Thailand, including the Black-and-white Helen Swallowtail, the Great Eggfly, and the Lemon Pansy.
List of Different Butterfly Species of Thailand
Brush-Footed (Nymphalidae)
- Angled Castor (Ariadne ariadne)
- Angled Red Forester (Lethe chandica)
- Asian Comma (Polygonia c-aureum)
- Australian Lurcher (Yoma sabina)
- Autumn Leaf (Doleschallia bisaltide)
- Bamboo Forester (Lethe kansa)
- Banded Castor (Ariadne specularia)
- Banded Duffer (Discophora deo)
- Banded Treebrown (Lethe confusa)
- Banded Yeoman (Cirrochroa orissa)
- Baron (Euthalia aconthea)
- Black Forester (Lethe vindhya)
- Black Prince (Rohana parisatis)
- Black-tipped Archduke (Lexias dirtea)
- Blackvein Sergeant (Athyma ranga)
- Blue Admiral (Kaniska canace)
- Blue Duffer (Discophora necho)
- Blue Glassy Tiger (Ideopsis vulgaris)
- Blue Kaiser (Penthema darlisa)
- Blue Nawab (Polyura schreiber)
- Blue Pansy (Junonia orithya)
- Blue Spotted Crow (Euploea midamus)
- Blue-striped Palmfly (Elymnias patna)
- Blue Tiger (Tirumala limniace)
- Bright-eyed Bushbrown (Mycalesis nicotia)
- Broad-banded Sailer (Neptis sankara)
- Bronze Duke (Euthalia nara)
- Brown Prince (Rohana parvata)
- Ceylon Blue Glassy Tiger (Ideopsis similis)
- Chestnut-streaked Sailer (Neptis jumbah)
- Chestnut Tiger (Parantica sita)
- Chinese Bushbrown (Mycalesis gotama)
- Chocolate Pansy (Junonia iphita)
- Chocolate Tiger (Parantica melaneus)
- Circe (Hestina nama)
- Clear Sailer (Neptis nata)
- Clipper (Parthenos sylvia)
- Club Beak (Libythea myrrha)
- Colour Sergeant (Athyma nefte)
- Comma (Polygonia c-album)
- Commander (Moduza procris)
- Commodore (Auzakia danava)
- Common Castor (Ariadne merione)
- Common Crow (Euploea core)
- Common Cruiser (Vindula erota)
- Common Duffer (Discophora sondaica)
- Common Earl (Tanaecia julii)
- Common Evening Brown (Melanitis leda)
- Common Faun (Faunis canens)
- Common Five-ring (Ypthima baldus)
- Common Fourring (Ypthima huebneri)
- Common Leopard (Phalanta phalantha)
- Common Maplet (Chersonesia risa)
- Common Mapwing (Cyrestis thyodamas)
- Common Nawab (Polyura athamas)
- Common Palmfly (Elymnias hypermnestra)
- Common Red Forester (Lethe mekara)
- Common Sailer (Neptis hylas)
- Common Saturn (Zeuxidia amethystus)
- Common Sergeant (Athyma perius)
- Common Silverstreak (Lethe europa)
- Common Tiger (Danaus genutia)
- Common Treebrown (Lethe rohria)
- Common Tree Nymph (Idea stolli)
- Common Yeoman (Cirrochroa tyche)
- Constable (Dichorragia nesimachus)
- Courtesan (Euripus nyctelius)
- Danaid Eggfly (Hypolimnas misippus)
- Dark Blue Tiger (Tirumala septentrionis)
- Darkbrand Bushbrown (Mycalesis mineus)
- Dark Evening Brown (Melanitis phedima)
- Dark Glassy Tiger (Parantica agleoides)
- Dark Jungle Glory (Thaumantis noureddin)
- Dingy Bush-brown (Mycalesis perseus)
- Dot-dash Sergeant (Athyma kanwa)
- Double-branded Crow (Euploea sylvester)
- Dusky Bush-brown (Orsotriaena medus)
- Dusky Diadem (Ethope himachala)
- Dwarf Crow (Euploea tulliolus)
- Eastern Courtier (Sephisa chandra)
- European Nettle-tree Butterfly (Libythea celtis)
- Freak (Calinaga buddha)
- French Duke (Euthalia franciae)
- Gaudy Baron (Euthalia lubentina)
- Giant Saturn (Zeuxidia aurelius)
- Glassy Tiger (Parantica aglea)
- Glorious Begum (Agatasa calydonia)
- Grand Duchess (Euthalia patala)
- Gray Count (Tanaecia lepidea)
- Gray Pansy (Junonia atlites)
- Great Archduke (Lexias cyanipardus)
- Great Crow (Euploea phaenareta)
- Great Duffer (Discophora timora)
- Great Eggfly (Hypolimnas bolina)
- Greater Striped Black Crow (Euploea doubledayi)
- Great Evening Brown (Melanitis zitenius)
- Great Nawab (Polyura eudamippus)
- Great Sergeant (Athyma larymna)
- Great Yellow Sailer (Neptis radha)
- Grey Baron (Euthalia anosia)
- Grey-tipped Baron (Euthalia eriphylae)
- Himalayan Jester (Symbrenthia hypselis)
- Himalayan Sergeant (Athyma opalina)
- Indian Dingiest Sailer (Neptis harita)
- Indian Fritillary (Argynnis hyperbius)
- Indian Purple Emperor (Apatura ambica)
- Indian Red Admiral (Vanessa indica)
- Indian Yellow Nawab (Polyura jalysus)
- Intermediate Maplet (Chersonesia intermedia)
- Jewelled Nawab (Polyura delphis)
- Jezebel Palmfly (Elymnias vasudeva)
- Jungle-glory (Thaumantis diores)
- Knight (Lebadea martha)
- Kohinoor (Amathuxidia amythaon)
- Large Faun (Faunis eumeus)
- Large Silverstripe (Argynnis childreni)
- Large Yeoman (Cirrochroa aoris)
- Lavender Count (Tanaecia cocytus)
- Lemon Pansy (Junonia lemonias)
- Leopard Lacewing (Cethosia cyane)
- Lepcha Bushbrown (Mycalesis lepcha)
- Less Rich Sailer (Neptis nashona)
- Lilacfork (Lethe sura)
- Little Yeoman (Cirrochroa surya)
- Long-brand Bushbrown (Mycalesis visala)
- Long Branded Blue Crow (Euploea algea)
- Looped Three-ring (Ypthima watsoni)
- Magpie Crow (Euploea radamanthus)
- Malayan Assyrian (Terinos clarissa)
- Malayan Crow Butterfly (Euploea camaralzeman)
- Malayan Jungle Glory (Thaumantis odana)
- Malayan nawab (Polyura moori)
- Malay Baron (Euthalia monina)
- Malay Cruiser (Vindula dejone)
- Malay Lacewing (Cethosia hypsea)
- Malay Staff Sergeant (Athyma reta)
- Malay Tiger (Danaus affinis)
- Malay Viscount (Tanaecia pelea)
- Malay Yeoman (Cirrochroa emalea)
- Marbled Map (Cyrestis cocles)
- Naga Treebrown (Lethe naga)
- Northern Jungle-queen (Stichophthalma camadeva)
- Orange Lacewing (Cethosia penthesilea)
- Orange Oakleaf (Kallima inachus)
- Orange Staff Sergeant (Athyma cama)
- Pachmarhi Bushbrown (Mycalesis perseoides)
- Painted Courtesan (Euripus consimilis)
- Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
- Pale Forester (Lethe latiaris)
- Pallas’ Sailer (Neptis sappho)
- Pallid Faun (Melanocyma faunula)
- Pallid Nawab (Polyura arja)
- Palmking (Amathusia phidippus)
- Panther (Neurosigma siva)
- Paper Kite Butterfly (Idea leuconoe)
- Pasha (Herona marathus)
- Peacock Pansy (Junonia almana)
- Peninsular Malaya Leaf Butterfly (Kallima limborgii)
- Plain Blue Crow (Euploea modesta)
- Plain Nawab (Polyura hebe)
- Plain Sailer (Neptis cartica)
- Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus)
- Pointed Palmfly (Elymnias penanga)
- Popinjay (Stibochiona nicea)
- Purple Bushbrown (Mycalesis orseis)
- Red Lacewing (Cethosia biblis)
- Rich Sailer (Neptis anjana)
- Royal Assyrian (Terinos terpander)
- Rustic (Cupha erymanthis)
- Rusty Forester (Lethe bhairava)
- Rusty Palmking (Amathusia masina)
- Scarce Blue Oakleaf (Kallima knyvetti)
- Scarce Blue Tiger (Tirumala gautama)
- Shan Nawab (Polyura nepenthes)
- Short Banded Sailer (Neptis columella)
- Siren (Hestina persimilis)
- Smaller Wood Nymph (Ideopsis gaura)
- Small Leopard (Phalanta alcippe)
- Small Staff Sergeant (Athyma zeroca)
- Small Viscount (Tanaecia aruna)
- Small Yellow Sailer (Neptis miah)
- Southern Sullied Sailer (Neptis clinia)
- Spotted Black Crow (Euploea crameri)
- Spotted Palmfly (Elymnias malelas)
- Staff Sergeant (Athyma selenophora)
- Stately Nawab (Polyura dolon)
- Straight-banded Treebrown (Lethe verma)
- Straight-line Map-wing (Cyrestis nivea)
- Streaked Baron (Euthalia alpheda)
- Striped Black Crow (Euploea eyndhovii)
- Striped Blue Crow (Euploea mulciber)
- Striped Ringlet (Ragadia crisilda)
- Studded Sergeant (Athyma asura)
- Sullied sailer (Neptis soma)
- Tabby (Pseudergolis wedah)
- Tailed Red Forester (Lethe sinorix)
- Tawny Bush-brown (Mycalesis anapita)
- Tawny Coster (Acraea violae)
- Tawny Palmfly (Elymnias panthera)
- Tiger Brown (Orinoma damaris)
- Tiger Palmfly (Elymnias nesaea)
- Tufted Jungleking (Thauria aliris)
- Unbroken Sergeant (Athyma pravara)
- Veined Labyrinth (Neope pulaha)
- White-bar Bushbrown (Mycalesis anaxias)
- White Dryad (Aemona lena)
- White-edged Blue Baron (Euthalia phemius)
- White Pasha (Herona sumatrana)
- Whitespotted Beak (Libythea narina)
- White Tiger (Danaus melanippus)
- Wizard (Rhinopalpa polynice)
- Yellow Archduke (Lexias canescens)
- Yellow Glassy Tiger (Parantica aspasia)
- Yellow Pansy (Junonia hierta)
- Yellow Sailer (Neptis ananta)
- Yellow-tipped Archduke (Lexias pardalis)
- Yerbury’s Sailer (Neptis yerburii)
Gossamer-Winged (Lycaenidae)
- Aberrant Oakblue (Arhopala abseus)
- Acacia Blue (Surendra vivarna)
- Angled Pierrot (Caleta decidia)
- Angled Sunbeam (Curetis acuta)
- Anthelus Bushblue (Arhopala anthelus)
- Apefly (Spalgis epius)
- Banded Blue Pierrot (Discolampa ethion)
- Banded Lineblue (Prosotas aluta)
- Banded Royal (Rachana jalindra)
- Bicoloured Hedge Blue (Udara selma)
- Bifid Plushblue (Flos diardi)
- Bi-spot Royal (Ancema ctesia)
- Black-branded Royal (Tajuria culta)
- Blue Brilliant (Simiskina phalia)
- Blue Darkie (Allotinus subviolaceus)
- Blue Gem (Poritia erycinoides)
- Blue Imperial (Ticherra acte)
- Blue Posy (Drupadia scaeva)
- Blue Royal (Pratapa icetoides)
- Bold Line-blue (Nacaduba pactolus)
- Branded Imperial (Eooxylides tharis)
- Branded Yamfly (Yasoda tripunctata)
- Bright Oakblue (Arhopala sublustris)
- Bright Sunbeam (Curetis bulis)
- Broad-banded Oakblue (Arhopala asinarus)
- Broad Spark (Sinthusa chandrana)
- Broadtail Royal (Creon cleobis)
- Brown Lineblue (Prosotas lutea)
- Brown Tit (Hypolycaena thecloides)
- Brown Yamfly (Drina donina)
- Burmese Bushblue (Arhopala birmana)
- Burmese Caerulean (Jamides philatus)
- Burmese Sunbeam (Curetis saronis)
- Cardinal (Thamala marciana)
- Chocolate Royal (Remelana jangala)
- Ciliate Blue (Anthene emolus)
- Club Silverline (Cigaritis syama)
- Common Acacia Blue (Surendra quercetorum)
- Common Brownie (Miletus chinensis)
- Common Cerulean (Jamides celeno)
- Common Darkie (Allotinus horsfieldi)
- Common Flash (Rapala nissa)
- Common Gem (Poritia hewitsoni)
- Common Guava Blue (Virachola isocrates)
- Common Hedge Blue (Acytolepis puspa)
- Common Imperial (Cheritra freja)
- Common Onyx (Horaga onyx)
- Common Pierrot (Castalius rosimon)
- Common Posy (Drupadia ravindra)
- Common Red Flash (Rapala iarbus)
- Common Silverline (Cigaritis vulcanus)
- Common Tinsel (Catapaecilma major)
- Common Tit (Hypolycaena erylus)
- Copper Flash (Rapala pheretima)
- Crenulate Darkie (Allotinus drumila)
- Dark Blue Royal (Pratapa icetas)
- Dark Cornelian (Deudorix epijarbas)
- Dark Himalayan Oakblue (Arhopala rama)
- Dark Posy (Drupadia theda)
- De Niceville’s Oakblue (Arhopala agrata)
- Dingy Lineblue (Petrelaea dana)
- Divided Brownie (Miletus ancon)
- Doherty’s Dull Oakblue (Arhopala khamti)
- Doherty’s Green Oakblue (Arhopala hellenore)
- Double-tufted Royal (Dacalana penicilligera)
- Dusky Bushblue (Arhopala paraganesa)
- Elbowed Pierrot (Caleta elna)
- Falcate Oak Blue (Mahathala ameria)
- Fluffy Tit (Zeltus amasa)
- Forest Pierrot (Taraka hamada)
- Forget-me-not (Catochrysops strabo)
- Glazed Oakblue (Arhopala paralea)
- Glistening Cerulean (Jamides elpis)
- Golden Sapphire (Heliophorus brahma)
- Gracile Line-blue (Prosotas gracilis)
- Gram Blue (Euchrysops cnejus)
- Grand Imperial (Neocheritra amrita)
- Grass Jewel (Freyeria trochylus)
- Great Brownie (Miletus symethus)
- Green Flash (Artipe eryx)
- Green Oakblue (Arhopala eumolphus)
- Green Sapphire (Heliophorus androcles)
- Hewitson’s Dull Oakblue (Arhopala oenea)
- Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus)
- Hooked Oakblue (Arhopala paramuta)
- Hybrid Sapphire (Heliophorus hybrida)
- Indian Oakblue (Arhopala atrax)
- Indian Purple Sapphire (Heliophorus indicus)
- Indigo Flash (Rapala varuna)
- Jewel Fourline Blue (Nacaduba sanaya)
- Jewelled Grass-blue (Freyeria putli)
- King Cerulean (Jamides bochus)
- Large Guava Blue (Virachola perse)
- Large Long-banded Silverline (Cigaritis seliga)
- Large Oakblue (Arhopala amantes)
- Large Purple Line-blue (Nacaduba berenice)
- Large-spotted Oakblue (Arhopala nicevillei)
- Lesser Darkie (Allotinus unicolor)
- Lesser Grass-blue (Zizina otis)
- Lilac Oakblue (Arhopala camdeo)
- Lime Blue (Chilades lajus)
- Little Cerulean Oakblue (Arhopala ammonides)
- Long-banded Silverline (Cigaritis lohita)
- Long-tailed Blue (Lampides boeticus)
- Long-tailed Line-blue (Prosotas nora)
- Malayan (Megisba malaya)
- Malayan Mottle (Logania malayica)
- Malayan Oakblue (Arhopala ammon)
- Malay Red Flash (Rapala damona)
- Many-tailed Oak-blue (Thaduka multicaudata)
- Margined Hedge Blue (Celatoxia marginata)
- Margined Lineblue (Prosotas pia)
- Metallic Cerulean (Jamides alecto)
- Moth Butterfly (Liphyra brassolis)
- Narrow-banded Brownie (Miletus mallus)
- Narrow-bordered Hedge Blue (Udara placidula)
- Narrow Spark (Sinthusa nasaka)
- Opal Oakblue (Arhopala opalina)
- Opaque Six-line Blue (Nacaduba beroe)
- Pale Bush Blue (Arhopala aberrans)
- Pale Cerulean (Jamides cyta)
- Pale Four-line Blue (Nacaduba hermus)
- Pale Grand Imperial (Neocheritra fabronia)
- Pale Hedge Blue (Udara dilecta)
- Pale Mottle (Logania marmorata)
- Pale Pea-blue (Catochrysops panormus)
- Pale Yellow Oakblue (Arhopala moolaiana)
- Pallid Oakblue (Arhopala alesia)
- Papuan Line-blue (Catopyrops ancyra)
- Peacock Royal (Tajuria cippus)
- Pitcher Blue (Virachola kessuma)
- Plain Hedge Blue (Celastrina lavendularis)
- Plains Cupid (Luthrodes pandava)
- Plain Tailless Oakblue (Arhopala asopia)
- Plush (Sithon nedymond)
- Pointed Ciliate Blue (Anthene lycaenina)
- Pointed Lineblue (Ionolyce helicon)
- Pointed Oakblue (Arhopala singla)
- Pointed Pierrot (Niphanda cymbia)
- Powdered Oakblue (Arhopala bazalus)
- Purple Broken-band Oakblue (Arhopala alitaeus)
- Purple-brown Tailless Oakblue (Arhopala arvina)
- Purple-glazed Oakblue (Arhopala agaba)
- Purple Leaf Blue (Amblypodia anita)
- Purple Line-blue (Prosotas dubiosa)
- Purple Royal (Tajuria yajna)
- Purple Sapphire (Heliophorus epicles)
- Quaker (Neopithecops zalmora)
- Red Imperial (Suasa lisides)
- Red Pierrot (Talicada nyseus)
- Rosy Oakblue (Arhopala allata)
- Saffron (Mota massyla)
- Scarce Cornelian (Deudorix hypargyria)
- Scarce Silverstreak (Iraota rochana)
- Scarce Slate Flash (Rapala scintilla)
- Scarlet Flash (Rapala dieneces)
- Shining Plushblue (Flos fulgida)
- Siam Babul Blue (Azanus urios)
- Silky Oakblue (Arhopala alax)
- Silver Royal (Ancema blanka)
- Silverstreak Blue (Iraota timoleon)
- Silver Streaked Acacia Blue (Zinaspa todara)
- Singapore Four-line Blue (Nacaduba pavana)
- Slate Flash (Rapala manea)
- Southern Sunbeam (Curetis tagalica)
- Spangled Plushblue (Flos asoka)
- Spotted Pierrot (Tarucus callinara)
- Spotted Royal (Tajuria maculata)
- Straightline Royal (Tajuria diaeus)
- Straight Pierrot (Caleta roxus)
- Straightwing Blue (Orthomiella pontis)
- Suffused Flash (Rapala suffusa)
- Sword-tailed Flash (Bindahara phocides)
- Sylhet Oakblue (Arhopala silhetensis)
- Tailless Plushblue (Flos areste)
- Tamil Oakblue (Arhopala bazaloides)
- Una (Una usta)
- Vinous Oakblue (Arhopala athada)
- Violet 4-lineblue (Nacaduba subperusia)
- Violet Line-blue (Nacaduba calauria)
- White-banded Line-blue (Nacaduba kurava)
- White-banded Royal (Dacalana cotys)
- White Cerulean (Jamides pura)
- White Imperial (Neomyrina nivea)
- White Lineblue (Nacaduba angusta)
- White Royal (Pratapa deva)
- White-stained Oakblue (Arhopala aida)
- White-tipped Lineblue (Prosotas noreia)
- Yamfly (Loxura atymnus)
- Yellow-disk Tailless Oakblue (Arhopala perimuta)
- Yellow Onyx (Horaga syrinx)
- Yellow Tailed Oakblue (Arhopala elopura)
- Zambra Oakblue (Arhopala zambra)
Whites and Sulphurs (Pieridae)
- Bath White (Pontia daplidice)
- Black-spotted White (Leptosia nina)
- Burmese Jezebel (Delias agoranis)
- Burmese Puffin (Appias lalassis)
- Cabbage White (Pieris brassicae)
- Changeable Grass Yellow (Eurema simulatrix)
- Chocolate Albatross (Appias lyncida)
- Chocolate Grass Yellow (Eurema sari)
- Common Grass Yellow (Eurema hecabe)
- Common Gull (Cepora nerissa)
- Common Wanderer (Pareronia hippia)
- Dark Jezebel (Delias berinda)
- Great Blackvein (Aporia agathon)
- Great Orange Tip (Hebomoia glaucippe)
- Green-veined White (Pieris napi)
- Hill Jezebel (Delias belladonna)
- Indian Cabbage White (Pieris canidia)
- Lemon Migrant (Catopsilia pomona)
- Lesser Gull (Cepora nadina)
- Lined Grass-yellow (Eurema laeta)
- Malayan Jezebel (Delias ninus)
- Malayan Wanderer (Pareronia valeria)
- No-brand Grass-yellow (Eurema brigitta)
- Orange Albatross (Appias nero)
- Orange Gull (Cepora iudith)
- Orange Migrant (Catopsilia scylla)
- Painted Jezebel (Delias hyparete)
- Pale Jezebel (Delias sanaca)
- Pale Wanderer (Pareronia avatar)
- Plain Puffin (Appias indra)
- Redbase Jezebel (Delias pasithoe)
- Redbreast Jezebel (Delias acalis)
- Redspot Jezebel (Delias descombesi)
- Redspot Sawtooth (Prioneris philonome)
- Spot Puffin (Appias lalage)
- Spotted Sawtooth (Prioneris thestylis)
- Striped Albatross (Appias libythea)
- Tailed Sulphur (Dercas verhuelli)
- Three-spot Grass Yellow (Eurema blanda)
- Tree Yellow (Gandaca harina)
- White Albatross (Appias albina)
- White Migrant (Catopsilia pyranthe)
- Yellow Albatross (Appias paulina)
- Yellow Jezebel (Delias agostina)
- Yellow Orange Tip (Ixias pyrene)
- Yellow Puffin (Appias cardena)
Metalmark (Riodinidae)
- Banded Red Harlequin (Paralaxita orphna)
- Broad-banded Punch (Dodona deodata)
- Common Red Harlequin (Paralaxita telesia)
- Dark Judy (Abisara fylla)
- Double-banded Judy (Abisara bifasciata)
- Harlequin (Taxila haquinus)
- Lesser Harlequin (Laxita thuisto)
- Lesser Punch (Dodona dipoea)
- Malay Red Harlequin (Paralaxita damajanti)
- Malay Tailed Judy (Abisara savitri)
- Mixed Punch (Dodona ouida)
- Orange Punch (Dodona egeon)
- Plum Judy (Abisara echerius)
- Punchinello (Zemeros flegyas)
- Straight Plum Judy (Abisara kausambi)
- Tailed Judy (Abisara neophron)
- Tailed Punch (Dodona eugenes)
Swallowtail (Papilionidae)
- Banded Swallowtail (Papilio demolion)
- Black-and-white Helen Swallowtail (Papilio nephelus)
- Blue Helen (Papilio prexaspes)
- Blue Jay (Graphium evemon)
- Blue Peacock (Papilio arcturus)
- Blue Striped Mime (Papilio slateri)
- Blue Triangle (Graphium sarpedon)
- Brown Gorgon (Meandrusa sciron)
- Burmese Raven (Papilio mahadeva)
- Chequered Swallowtail (Papilio demoleus)
- Common Batwing (Atrophaneura varuna)
- Common Birdwing (Troides helena)
- Common Clubtail (Losaria coon)
- Common Jay (Graphium doson)
- Common Mime (Papilio clytia)
- Common Mormon (Papilio polytes)
- Common Peacock (Papilio bianor)
- Common Peacock (Papilio polyctor)
- Common Rose (Pachliopta aristolochiae)
- Common Windmill (Byasa polyeuctes)
- Emerald Swallowtail (Papilio palinurus)
- Five-barred Swordtail (Graphium aristeus)
- Five-bar Swallowtail (Graphium antiphates)
- Fourbar Swallowtail (Graphium agetes)
- Glassy Bluebottle (Graphium cloanthus)
- Golden Birdwing (Troides aeacus)
- Great Blue Mime (Papilio paradoxa)
- Great Helen (Papilio iswara)
- Great Mormon (Papilio memnon)
- Great Windmill (Byasa dasarada)
- Great Zebra (Graphium xenocles)
- Green Dragontail (Lamproptera meges)
- Green-spotted Triangle (Graphium agamemnon)
- Kaiser-i-Hind (Teinopalpus imperialis)
- Lao Windmill (Byasa laos)
- Lesser Batwing (Atrophaneura aidoneus)
- Lesser Mime (Papilio epycides)
- Lesser Zebra (Graphium macareus)
- Malayan Zebra (Graphium delessertii)
- Malay Birdwing (Troides amphrysus)
- Pale Triangle (Graphium eurypylus)
- Paris Peacock (Papilio paris)
- Redbreast (Papilio alcmenor)
- Red Helen (Papilio helenus)
- Sixbar Swallowtail (Graphium eurous)
- Southern Chinese Peacock (Papilio dialis)
- Spangle Swallowtail (Papilio protenor)
- Spectacle Swordtail (Graphium glycerion)
- Spot Swordtail (Graphium nomius)
- Spotted Jay (Graphium arycles)
- Spotted Zebra (Graphium megarus)
- Tawny Mime (Papilio agestor)
- Veined Jay (Graphium bathycles)
- Veined Jay (Graphium chironides)
- White Dragontail (Lamproptera curius)
- Yellow-bodied Club-tail (Losaria neptunus)
- Yellow Gorgon (Meandrusa payeni)
Skipper (Hesperiidae)
- African Straight (Parnara naso)
- Atkinson’s Bob (Arnetta atkinsoni)
- Banded Demon (Notocrypta paralysos)
- Banded Redeye (Gangara lebadea)
- Bengal Spotted Flat (Celaenorrhinus putra)
- Blank Swift (Caltoris kumara)
- Branded Orange Awlet (Bibasis oedipodea)
- Bright Red Velvet Bob (Koruthaialos sindu)
- Brown Pied Flat (Coladenia agni)
- Ceylon Dartlet (Oriens goloides)
- Chequered Lancer (Plastingia naga)
- Chestnut Bob (Iambrix salsala)
- Chinese Dart (Potanthus confucius)
- Coconut Skipper (Hidari irava)
- Colon Swift (Caltoris cahira)
- Common Awl (Hasora badra)
- Common Banded Awl (Hasora chromus)
- Common Bush Hopper (Ampittia dioscorides)
- Common Dartlet (Oriens gola)
- Common Grass Dart (Taractrocera maevius)
- Common Redeye (Matapa aria)
- Common Small Flat (Sarangesa dasahara)
- Common Straight Swift (Parnara guttata)
- Common Wight (Iton semamora)
- Common Yellow-breast Flat (Gerosis bhagava)
- Contiguous Swift (Polytremis lubricans)
- Continental Swift (Parnara ganga)
- Dark Palm Dart (Telicota bambusae)
- Dusky Partwing (Psolos fuligo)
- Forest Hopper (Astictopterus jama)
- Full Stop Swift (Caltoris cormasa)
- Fulvous Dawnfly (Capila phanaeus)
- Fulvous Pied Flat (Pseudocoladenia dan)
- Grass Bob (Suada swerga)
- Grass Demon (Udaspes folus)
- Green Awlet (Bibasis vasutana)
- Himalayan Spotted Flat (Celaenorrhinus munda)
- Himalayan Swift (Polytremis discreta)
- Immaculate Snow Flat (Tagiades gana)
- Indian Awlking (Choaspes benjaminii)
- Indian Dart (Potanthus pseudomaesa)
- Indian Grizzled Skipper (Spialia galba)
- Indian Palm Bob (Suastus gremius)
- Large Banded Awl (Hasora khoda)
- Large Spotted Flat (Celaenorrhinus patula)
- Large White Flat (Satarupa gopala)
- Lesser Dart (Potanthus omaha)
- Maculate Lancer (Salanoemia sala)
- Marbled Flat (Lobocla liliana)
- Mason’s Ace (Thoressa masoni)
- Moore’s Ace (Halpe porus)
- Mussoorie Pied Flat (Celaenorrhinus pero)
- Orange Awlet (Bibasis harisa)
- Orangetail Awl (Bibasis sena)
- Paintbrush Swift (Baoris farri)
- Pale Green Awlet (Bibasis gomata)
- Pallid Dart (Potanthus pallida)
- Palm Redeye (Erionota thrax)
- Palni Dart (Potanthus palnia)
- Pied Flat (Tagiades japetus)
- Plain Banded Awl (Hasora vitta)
- Plain Orange Awlet (Bibasis anadi)
- Purple Spotted Flitter (Zographetus ogygia)
- Restricted Demon (Notocrypta curvifascia)
- Rice Swift (Borbo cinnara)
- Rounded Palm-redeye (Erionota torus)
- Siamese Awl (Hasora proxissima)
- Sikkim Ace (Halpe sikkima)
- Similar Awlking (Choaspes xanthopogon)
- Slate Awl (Hasora anura)
- Small-banded Flat (Celaenorrhinus nigricans)
- Small Branded Swift (Pelopidas mathias)
- Snowy Angle (Darpa pteria)
- Spotted Angle (Caprona agama)
- Spotted Demon (Notocrypta feisthamelii)
- Spotted Snow Flat (Tagiades menaka)
- Tiger Hopper (Ochus subvittatus)
- Tree Flitter (Hyarotis adrastus)
- Tricolour Pied Flat (Coladenia indrani)
- Velvet Flat (Celaenorrhinus ficulnea)
- Wax Dart (Cupitha purreea)
- White Banded Awl (Hasora taminatus)
- White-banded Flat (Celaenorrhinus asmara)
- Yellow Banded Awl (Hasora schoenherr)
- Yellow Flat (Mooreana trichoneura)
- Yellow Grass Dart (Taractrocera archias)
- Yellow Spot Swift (Polytremis eltola)
- Zema Banded Ace (Halpe zema)
Some of the best places to see butterflies in Thailand include Bai Orchid-Butterfly Farm, Khao Yai National Park, and Doi Inthanon National Park.